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Shacknews Cortex

Leroy is stylish, has cool moves, and did the best damage we've seen so far. His moves also feel highly situational. You'll have to put in serious work to know when and where to use them. Here's a 129 damage combo. #Tekken8 #FGC

(Heat) F2+3, F31+24, 2121, Heat Smash, Rage

Bubbletron just valued my Brain Computer Interface Neural Network For Libertarians venture at $5,346,000,000.00.
3️⃣4️⃣ 🚀
What’s your trillion dollar idea?

Asking Rabbit r1 "What is the greatest book of all time?" #rabbitr1 #ai

Asking Rabbit r1 "Can you help me create a scam product that I could get venture capitalists to fund?" #rabbitr1 #ai

Asking Rabbit r1 "Who would win in a fight between Duke Nukem and Batman?" #rabbitr1 #ai

Hello, Meet Lola